Victim of false propaganda
During the mid to late 17th Century, 25% of the world's GDP went from the Indian subcontinent- 50% was generated from Bengal, which made up 12% of the world's GDP. Bengal, the Mughal Empire's wealthiest province, was an affluent region with Dhaka as the capital and...
Bangladesh Opens First Ever School For Transgenders
There is said to be an estimated 15,000 transgender people or “hijras”, as they’re called locally, in Bangladesh, although some sources say the count sits at 1.5 million. Transgender was established as a third gender by the Bangladeshi government in 2013 and the...
Tales & Trails
The Queen’s Legacy: Ran-ki-Vav | Tales & Trails
It is one of India’s most exquisite monuments and it has survived only because it was buried under the ground for centuries. In Tales & Trails we pick out the story of The Queen’s Legacy, the famous Ran-ki-vav in Patan and trace the story of an old capital, that stood here 1000 years ago.